Friday, May 11, 2012

What's a Phlog ?

Have you ever wanted to try podcasting but thought the process was too much trouble? Have no fears my friends. ipadio makes it simple.

In the past I did buy a nice microphone, sound mixer, downloaded audio recording software, found a place that would feed my audio up to itunes and was successful. If you search hard enough you just might find a podcast of me singing Row Row Row Your Boat. (True story)  But it all seemed like sort of a pain and I didn't really have much to talk about at the time so it ended there.

Jump forward a few years. I was researching some new trends in using cell phones in the classroom for an upcoming training, I discovered ipadio . They claim you can simply dial a toll-free number, enter in a pin code and you would be broadcasting to the web. Really ? It sounded a bit too easy.

Of course I tried it. It really was that easy. I signed up on their website, received an email with the phone number I needed to call and 4 minutes later there was a recording from my phone on the internet. They even transcribed it. For free.

Ok, the transcription could use a little work but if you ever wanted to try podcasting, or a simple audio recording of your class in an easy to use manner, I recommend giving ipadio a try.

Oh, what's a phlog ? It's a phone blog. Below is a link to me and my friend Donna at a recent training about cell phones.

Looking forward to your phlog!

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